Parallel Entry

To execute a Parallel Entry procedure, fly directly to the fix, then fly the reciprocal of the inbound heading while correcting for wind. After one minute or upon reaching the assigned DME distance, turn left or right depending upon the type of holding pattern that will be flown:

For a standard holding pattern, turn left and follow a heading 45-degrees less than the inbound heading until the inbound leg is intercepted. Upon reaching the fix, make a standard-rate turn to the right, roll out on the outbound heading and follow it for one minute while correcting for wind. Then make a standard-rate turn to the right to intercept the inbound leg again. Example: “Hold on the 071-degree radial.” After arriving at the fix, fly a heading of 071 degrees for 1 minute, then turn left to a heading of 206 degrees (45 degrees less than the inbound heading of 251 degrees) to intercept the inbound leg. Upon reaching the fix, make a standard-rate turn right to 071 degrees and fly outbound for 1 minute. Then make a standard-rate turn to the right to a heading of 251 degrees to intercept the inbound leg again.

For a nonstandard holding pattern, turn right and follow a heading 45-degrees more than the than the inbound heading until the inbound leg is intercepted. Upon reaching the fix, make a standard-rate turn to the left, roll out on the outbound heading and follow it for one minute while correcting for wind. Then make a standard-rate turn to the left to intercept the inbound leg again. Example: “Hold on the 071-degree radial, left turns.” After arriving at the fix, fly a heading of 071 degrees for 1 minute, then turn right to a heading of 296 degrees (45 degrees more than the inbound heading of 251 degrees) to intercept the inbound leg. Upon reaching the fix, make a standard-rate turn left to 071 degrees and fly outbound for 1 minute. Then make a standard-rate turn left to a heading of 251 degrees to intercept the inbound leg again.