

1 Statute Mile (SM) = 0.87 Nautical Mile (NM)

1 NM = 1.15 SM

1 SM = 1.61 Kilometers (KM)

1 KM = 0.62 SM

1 NM = 1.85 KM

1 KM = 0.54 NM

1 SM = 5280 Feet = 1,609 Meters

1 NM = 6076 Feet = 1,853 Meters

1 KM = 3208 Feet = 1000 Meters

Calculating Distance

Distance = Groundspeed x Time


Groundspeed = 90 knots

Time = 30 minutes (0.5 hours)

Distance = 90 x .5 = 45 NM

Rule of Thumb

Remember that 60 knots = 1 mile per minute. The typical small aircraft (such as a Cessna 172) will travel about 2 miles per minute at a groundspeed of 120 Knots. To quickly determine NM per minute, round your airspeed to the nearest 10, drop the zero and divide by 6.

Rule of Thumb

One finger width equals 5 nautical miles (NM) on a Sectional Aeronautical Chart. Two fingers placed side by side on the chart equals 10 NM, 3 fingers equals 15 NM, and 4 fingers equals 20 NM.