Class D Airports

Airports within Class D airspace have a control tower. The airspace that the tower controls typically extends upward 2500 feet from the surface and outward to a radius of 4 nautical miles. Before entering this airspace, pilots must make contact with the tower during normal hours of operation. Once the tower closes, the airspace typically reverts to Class E or Class G Airspace and pilots should make a position report with an intention to land just like they would at a non-towered field. When the tower is operating, however, aircraft cannot enter the airspace unless the initial radio call has been acknowledged by the tower with a specific reference to the aircraft’s call sign. Many airports with a control tower provide information about field conditions on a recorded broadcast called the ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service). This broadcast is updated every hour and identified with a letter of the alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.). ATIS frequencies can be found below the airport symbol on sectional charts and in the FAA Chart Supplements publication. After tuning in to the ATIS, the pilot will hear a broadcast such as the following:

“Torrance Airport, Information Foxtrot; time 1747 Zulu; wind calm; visibility eight; few clouds at three thousand, one two thousand scattered, ceiling one six thousand broken; temperature two one, dew-point eight; altimeter two niner niner niner; visual approach runway two niner right in use, landing and departing runway two niner right, runway two niner left and runway one right closed; Torrance Tower frequency 133.07; Advise on initial contact you have Information Foxtrot.”

Pilots should listen to the ATIS broadcast before contacting the Tower, then make a call such as the following:

PILOT: “Torrance Tower, Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot) is 5 miles west at 5500 feet, landing Torrance with Foxtrot.”

TOWER: “Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot), make left traffic  Runway 29 (two niner).”

PILOT: “Left traffic, 29 (two niner), 4AF (four alpha foxtrot).”

Pilot’s must always acknowledge every instruction from the Tower by repeating it back in an abbreviated form. Once the aircraft has been initially acknowledged by the Tower, only the last three letters of the aircraft call sign need to be mentioned at the end of the transmission. However, if another aircraft on the frequency has the same three ending letters (e.g., N314AF and N124AF), the full call sign should be included at the end of every transmission. Before landing, the pilot must receive a specific clearance from the tower, such as:

TOWER: “Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot), cleared for landing Runway 29 (two niner).”


TOWER: “Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot) , cleared for landing Runway 29 (two niner), number two, after the Cessna.”

Upon exiting the runway, the pilot should stop and tune in to the ground frequency. Once the After Landing Checklist for the aircraft is completed, the pilot should make a call to Ground Control such as the following:

PILOT: “Torrance Tower, Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot) is clear of Runway 29 (two niner) Right at Charlie, Taxi Transient Parking.”

GROUND: “Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot), taxi via Charlie to Transient Parking.”

When departing from a towered airport, the pilot should first listen to the ATIS broadcast, then make a call to Ground Control such as the following:

PILOT: “Torrance Ground, Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot) at Transient Parking, Taxi Runway 29 (two niner) Right with Foxtrot.”

GROUND: “Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot), taxi Runway 29 (two niner) Right via Echo and Charlie.”

The pilot should remain on the ground frequency until arriving at the runway holding position bars, then switch over to the Tower frequency. When ready for takeoff a call such as the following should be made:

PILOT: “Torrance Tower, Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot) short of 29 (two niner) Right at Juliet, ready for takeoff, request straight out departure.”

TOWER: “Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot), Runway 29 (two nine) Right, clear for takeoff, straight out departure approved.”

The Tower may or may not make the following call before the aircraft departs the Class D airspace:

TOWER: “Diamondstar 314AF (three one four alpha foxtrot), frequency change approved.”

PILOT: “Frequency change approved, good day, 4AF (four alpha foxtrot).”